All About Dedicated Servers (Gaming Use Case) - ServerHub Guide


Many business organizations and self-employed individuals require a significant online presence as one of their strategies to remain relevant in today’s competitive environment of attracting customers or sponsors. To host your game service e-commerce website, mobile applications, mail server, or other specialized services, there are several hosting options available to you such as cloud »

All About Node Servers


Since its release in 2009, Node Server has become a viral tool amongst web application developers in general and java script developers in particular, it helped them to do more with JavaScript on both the front-end and the back-end of any web application. In this guide, we answer the most common questions about Node Server, »

Top 10 Benefits of Managed VPS Hosting


Your website traffic is on the rise and now you need something even more powerful than shared hosting. It’s the perfect time for you to put some money in VPS. It's more powerful, scalable, and easily managed than shared servers. Reports of Webinar Care say, “Out of all sub-sectors, Managed VPS is expected »

How to Start A Reseller Web Hosting Business!


There are an estimated 12 - 14 million eCommerce websites worldwide as of 2022, according to multiple sources, this number might be tripled over the next year, especially if counting the number of companies establishing their online presence or individuals creating online CVs or personal websites, therefore starting a web hosting reseller business seems like »

Virtual Private Server! Everything You Need to Know


In the applications and website hosting world, getting to know the available hosting solutions is a must, especially if you or your company plan to host your application, business site, or e-commerce website independently. Choosing the right hosting solution for your business might be challenging, complex, and confusing at times, especially if you are new »

Dedicated Servers: Definitions, Examples and How to Choose the Best Service!


Do you know what is a dedicated server? Are you looking for information that guides you in your search for dedicated server hosting? If you are reading this article, then it means that you most likely need one, and we have the answers for you with Serverhub's ultimate guide to dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are »

What is AI in web hosting? Clear History and types of artificial intelligence revealed


The Digital revolution has changed the face of technology and everything related to it, which by default brought us web hosting and AI, or artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence’s all about mimicking the human mind’s problem-solving skills. After all, that’s how machines and computers came to be scary smart in today’s world. »

What is DNS Management? Everything You Need to Know


Calling friends, family, and loved ones is an essential part of life. Hence, why we use our mobile phones to pick the number of who we want to call. The same goes for the DNS (Domain name system), which serves as the internet’s phonebook. What is DNS DNS translates domain names to IP addresses, »

What is XaaS platform? Beginner's guide to everything as a service


Are you looking for unique ways to lessen costs, save space, gain scalability, and better security all at the same time? If your answer is a definitive yes, welcome to the XaaS world! Whether a beforehand-made software or a platform yours to build from scratch, there’s a magical cloud model out there that can »

SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS: Beginner's Guide to Which Model Is Better for You


From pretty fluffy things in the sky to one of the hottest topics for small and global businesses alike, clouds are reducing the need for on-premise hosting more than ever. It's safe to assume that the word (as a service) you repeatedly hear ultimately means cloud computing in the cloud deployment world. In short, if »

What is IaaS platform Beginner's guide to infrastructure as a service


To most of us, cloud computing is this calm place where our data stays secure and unbothered. However, the reality is that it’s way beyond peaceful and is pretty much more difficult for an organization that provides or depends on it, let alone its expenses. The customer demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) »

What is PaaS platform? Beginner's guide to platform as a service


We’ve all at least once came across platform as a service (PaaS) in our lives, where developers mainly rely on cloud providers’ development tools to build you the applications you use (like your windows). But, have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes? PaaS explained PaaS is one of the main three cloud »

What is SaaS platform? Beginner's guide to software as a service


Software as a service (SaaS) is as simple as using apps over the internet, such as Gmail and office tools. It’s all about renting the use of an app to make it available for your organization so that the users can connect to it over the internet through your internet browser. All the app »

Top 5 reasons to deploy a private cloud


It gets easier every day to get confused between the cloud deployment models. One hour you have a public cloud, the next is a private cloud, and then you end up with a hybrid cloud? Whether it’s the public cloud’s expectations vs. reality and why it’s probably your best cloud deployment, up »

Virtual private cloud vs private cloud: differences and definitions


We’ve all been there, asking the same question over and over. Can just one other word make so much difference? The lines between the private cloud and the virtual private cloud are blurring more than ever. Still, they differ in terms of provider, architecture, and resource delivery. Luckily you can decide between both based »