Can public cloud be your best cloud deployment? Expectations vs reality


Public cloud’s often on top of the list of cloud deployments, but is it really worth it? Today, you and I aren’t just gonna shed some light on the basic needs but also take a behind-the-scenes look at the public cloud overall. Public cloud explained Simple enough, offering scalability/resource sharing that’s »

Hybrid Cloud: What It Is And How It Works


Hybrid cloud, cloud hybrid, or multi-cloud. No matter which definition of hybrid cloud you use, the great benefits are the same! With superior security, automated data redundancy, high availability, and disaster recovery. Hybrid cloud is the ultimate choice for small and big businesses alike. Imagine a hybrid train feeding on solar and electric power, 2 »

What's the difference between a VPC and a VPN? The definitive answer


Ever got confused about the difference between a VPC and a VPN, too? You're not alone. VPCs and VPNs are often puzzled as they: Share key aspects Can be associated together Stand for almost the same acronyms Let's decipher each letter, benefit, and dig deeper into whether it's worth all the confusion, in this short »

What is virtual private cloud? (VPC) explained in less than 500 words


Do you know what VPC means and why it even matters to your public cloud journey? Today, we’re going to break it down! A virtual private cloud (VPC) is a private cloud environment hosted within a public cloud, all enhanced with security and isolation aspects while using public cloud resources. Like a crowded coffee »

In Skilled Hands: A Data Center Technician’s Tasks


Data Center Operations If you're a business head, you might've already been briefed on the role that data centers play in your operations. Data centers house physical servers that store business information and let peers communicate with each other. The important and intensive tasks in a data center requires an expert eye to ensure the »

Lightning-Fast: A Look Into The NVIDIA Tesla K80


NVIDIA NVIDIA has long been known for its quality products, but the K80 GPU Accelerator is on another speed level. The enterprise-grade chip is used for specialized, intensive workloads, such as powering supercomputers to solve complex scientific questions. While other chips see uses in common, everyday tasks, the K80 is a creation of the Tesla »

Data Center Tech Work: A Closer Look


Every machine needs monitoring for it to stay functional. This explains why technicians are hired by companies to watch over equipment like physical servers or computers. Without people like them, no one would have a clue on how to operate or fix these electronic equipment. After all, technicians go through training in certain skills before »

5G Network, Cybersecurity, And The Internet Of Things


For tech experts, 5G is considered to be the most important network of this century. Internet usage is expected to reach faster speeds with the said iteration. For any individuals or organizations that rely on online connections for their daily routines or operations, this can be considered good news. With faster download speeds, this can »

How AI and Machine Learning can Improve Data Centers


Data centers play a crucial role in the collection and analysis of data for organizations across major industries. With the rise of data culture to speed up digital innovation, companies build data centers to facilitate data storage and processes. Companies have also started to develop business models that are data-driven to maximize the potential in »

Single Processor Servers: Types, Uses, And Reasons For Investing In Them


In the business world, servers are used for a slew of purposes. These include storing company files, hosting domain-specific email, controlling what users can access within your company's IT environment, and more. You can then imagine the processing power expected of servers, especially by multinational companies or institutions of a similar scale. Even small business »

Saas Marketing in 2019


Software as a service You’ve no doubt heard about SaaS, which stands for software-as-a-service. Businesses running SaaS provide convenient third-party products for individuals/enterprises involved in business development. Take G Suite, for example, a SaaS platform developed by Google. G Suite has everything, from Gmail, Hangout, G Drive, calendar, notes, and all personal account »

3 Considerations For Your New Startup Venture


Got plans of putting up a small business but don’t know how or where to start? We got you covered! Opening up a business requires researching various resources about owning a business, such as legal documents, branding, and launching services. Let’s condense all the requirements into three major-points: Cost, Location, and Target Market. »

The Cloud for Small Businesses


Technological advancements do not stop for anyone⁠— it is whether you go with the flow or you can go behind the line. As a business owner, you have to get up and grind with the gears of the future. You may have noticed the trend of online businesses and online retailers, mostly within the »

Cloud Computing vs. Local Virtualization: Which One is For You?


Being connected to your peers, colleagues, and bosses all the while you’re far from each other is all about flexibility and accessibility. There have been numerous services marketed towards companies that are looking to move to businesses onto a much more accessible place, like virtual workstations and cloud servers. There’s no doubt that »