How to Start A Reseller Web Hosting Business!


There are an estimated 12 - 14 million eCommerce websites worldwide as of 2022, according to multiple sources, this number might be tripled over the next year, especially if counting the number of companies establishing their online presence or individuals creating online CVs or personal websites, therefore starting a web hosting reseller business seems like »

Virtual Private Server! Everything You Need to Know


In the applications and website hosting world, getting to know the available hosting solutions is a must, especially if you or your company plan to host your application, business site, or e-commerce website independently. Choosing the right hosting solution for your business might be challenging, complex, and confusing at times, especially if you are new »

Dedicated Servers: Definitions, Examples and How to Choose the Best Service!


Do you know what is a dedicated server? Are you looking for information that guides you in your search for dedicated server hosting? If you are reading this article, then it means that you most likely need one, and we have the answers for you with Serverhub's ultimate guide to dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are »

What is AI in web hosting? Clear History and types of artificial intelligence revealed


The Digital revolution has changed the face of technology and everything related to it, which by default brought us web hosting and AI, or artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence’s all about mimicking the human mind’s problem-solving skills. After all, that’s how machines and computers came to be scary smart in today’s world. »