SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS: Beginner's Guide to Which Model Is Better for You


From pretty fluffy things in the sky to one of the hottest topics for small and global businesses alike, clouds are reducing the need for on-premise hosting more than ever. It's safe to assume that the word (as a service) you repeatedly hear ultimately means cloud computing in the cloud deployment world. In short, if »

What is IaaS platform Beginner's guide to infrastructure as a service


To most of us, cloud computing is this calm place where our data stays secure and unbothered. However, the reality is that it’s way beyond peaceful and is pretty much more difficult for an organization that provides or depends on it, let alone its expenses. The customer demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) »

Virtual private cloud vs private cloud: differences and definitions


We’ve all been there, asking the same question over and over. Can just one other word make so much difference? The lines between the private cloud and the virtual private cloud are blurring more than ever. Still, they differ in terms of provider, architecture, and resource delivery. Luckily you can decide between both based »

Hybrid Cloud: What It Is And How It Works


Hybrid cloud, cloud hybrid, or multi-cloud. No matter which definition of hybrid cloud you use, the great benefits are the same! With superior security, automated data redundancy, high availability, and disaster recovery. Hybrid cloud is the ultimate choice for small and big businesses alike. Imagine a hybrid train feeding on solar and electric power, 2 »

What's the difference between a VPC and a VPN? The definitive answer


Ever got confused about the difference between a VPC and a VPN, too? You're not alone. VPCs and VPNs are often puzzled as they: Share key aspects Can be associated together Stand for almost the same acronyms Let's decipher each letter, benefit, and dig deeper into whether it's worth all the confusion, in this short »

What is virtual private cloud? (VPC) explained in less than 500 words


Do you know what VPC means and why it even matters to your public cloud journey? Today, we’re going to break it down! A virtual private cloud (VPC) is a private cloud environment hosted within a public cloud, all enhanced with security and isolation aspects while using public cloud resources. Like a crowded coffee »